Conference Highlights

Best Paper Award

There will be categories of Best Paper Awards, involving a Certificate and Cash prize to be awarded as shown below:

Award Category

Details of the Award

Best Paper Award

A certificate of recognition and a cash prize of Rs. 10,000

Best Case/White paper Award

A certificate of recognition and a cash prize of Rs. 5,000

Best Thesis/Proposal Award

A certificate of recognition and a cash prize of Rs. 5,000

Publication opportunities

ICETAO 2024 intends to provide an opportunity to the conference participants to get their papers considered for publication in journals of international repute.
The article processing charges, if any, have to be borne by the authors. These papers must mention in the cover letter (and also in the acknowledgement section usually before the References section in the paper) that the paper was presented in the International Conference on Emerging Technologies, Analytics and Operations (ICETAO 2024). Also, the papers must adhere to the guidelines of the respective journals in which they will be selected for evaluation and possible publication.
The selected papers will be first evaluated to check the suitability and will be further processed for fast-track review to the following journals:

  • Academy of Marketing Studies Journal (ABDC-B Indexed)
  • Asian and Pacific Economic Review (ABDC-C Indexed)
  • Korea Review of International Studies (ABDC-C Indexed)
  • The IUP Journal of Applied Economics (ABDC-C Indexed)
  • The IUP Journal of Corporate Governance (ABDC-C Indexed)
  • The IUP Journal of Marketing Management (UGC Care Listed)
  • The IUP Journal of Operations Management
  • The IUP Journal of Supply Chain Management

Workshop on Emerging Technologies

A workshop has been organized in collaboration with Micron Technology, a global leader in innovative memory and storage solutions, to acquaint the participants with the emerging technologies being practiced in the industry. The resource person is an industry expert and has vast experience in training and development, particularly in the field of technology driven operational solutions. The workshop aims to help the academicians, researchers and professionals grow in their career path. This complementary workshop has been specially designed only for the registered participants of ICETAO 2024.

Conference Sessions

Day 1: Inaugural session, Keynote addresses by renowned academicians and industry experts, Technical sessions on various subthemes.
Day 2: Workshop by a global leader of technological advancements, Keynote addresses by renowned academicians and industry experts, Technical sessions on various subthemes, Panel discussion by industry experts, Valedictory session.


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